Wednesday, 8. March 2006

Lesson plans 28.2. bis 7.3.2006

1) Revision of Linking words

2)Revision : comparison of adjectives.
different exercises

3) New topic: Gender roles - men- women - equality
a) Vocabulary HO --> Vokabel test am 16.3.2006

b) Discussion:
+What are some of the qualities that women are traditionally expected to have?
+Talk about some typically female/male professions.
+What has changed for women in our society?
+How have men been affected by these changes?

reading: HO Women’s rights (Source Eleven +1)
--> gives some background info about the history, emancipation movement, changes,....

c) Listening comprehension: aus Ideas and Issues intermediate
Listen to the tape and answer comprehension questions

Talk about similar experiences in your families (brothers, sisters,)?

d) Women at work:
+ Reasons why more women are on the labour market today
+ Can family and job be combined?
+ Difficulties women have to face in the world of work

2 texts: Home Alone
Women at work

read and summarize

Homework: Fathers and househusbands
-> read the text and answer the questions

4) Vocabulary exercise:: Confusing words

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