lessonplans 2006

Friday, 10. March 2006

lessonplan 9.3.2006

There were only 3 of you in the course on thursday. It seems as if most of you got lost in the snow.
However, that's what we did.

1) VARIETIES OF ENGLISH formal /informal lang, written/ spoken lang
different varieties of ENglish

2) British vs American English
--> talk about differences between AE and BE
( differences in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, vocab,..)
and talk about own preferences

-->Read the text : The Fight for English together,
• Why has English become so powerful ?
• Why is BE considered to be superior?
• Why does AE become more and more popular?
• What is your personal attitude towards AE and BE?

-->Matching exercise:
Match the British English word with the equivalent American English word

Wednesday, 8. March 2006

Lesson plans 28.2. bis 7.3.2006

1) Revision of Linking words

2)Revision : comparison of adjectives.
different exercises

3) New topic: Gender roles - men- women - equality
a) Vocabulary HO --> Vokabel test am 16.3.2006

b) Discussion:
+What are some of the qualities that women are traditionally expected to have?
+Talk about some typically female/male professions.
+What has changed for women in our society?
+How have men been affected by these changes?

reading: HO Women’s rights (Source Eleven +1)
--> gives some background info about the history, emancipation movement, changes,....

c) Listening comprehension: aus Ideas and Issues intermediate
Listen to the tape and answer comprehension questions

Talk about similar experiences in your families (brothers, sisters,)?

d) Women at work:
+ Reasons why more women are on the labour market today
+ Can family and job be combined?
+ Difficulties women have to face in the world of work

2 texts: Home Alone
Women at work

read and summarize

Homework: Fathers and househusbands
-> read the text and answer the questions

4) Vocabulary exercise:: Confusing words

Tuesday, 21. February 2006

lesson plan 21-2-2006

movie time!!!
watching animal farm
talking about differences between novel and film

Friday, 17. February 2006

lessonplans 15 +16th february 2006

15/ 2/2006

continue the topic internet
1) Read about the beginnings and the development of the

2) talk about disadvantages and advantages of the internet
brainstorming, collect ideas

3) read and discuss article: Caught in the web
(article about internet addiction, consequences, remedies,...)


1) Topic: Teleworking

read two different texts about teleworking:
* Kissing a fond farewell to the office
* Teleworking: Opportunities and risks

Summarize the texts
Talk about disadvantages / advantages
Examples from the texts,

•Could you imagine working from your home?
•For which jobs is this possible? For which not?

2) Grammar Revision: Comparison of Adjectives

Tuesday, 14. February 2006


lessonplan-14-2-2006 (doc, 24 KB)
press, internet


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Me too, I hope I will get out to buy Bartimaeus Trilogy's...
DerDritte - 16. Apr, 11:17
I, also, wish you all...
I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time... We...
Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22
I'm sorry to hear that...
I'm sorry to hear that not only Irene, but also Michael...
artep - 14. Jun, 16:17
Yes. Some of you might know it. Also Zonk (alias mikey)...
DerDritte - 13. Jun, 23:44
Sorry about that. But...
Sorry about that. But school today was no problem. We...
DerDritte - 1. Jun, 18:40





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