Thursday, 9. February 2006


Kleine Zulassungsprüfung Jänner 2006 Henriettenplatz

I. Written exam: 200 words

Choose one of the following topics:

1) English as a world language
-Why is English becoming (has already become) a world language?
Is it because it is easy to learn? Or is it for historical or economic reasons?  Talk
about the reasons that encourage the invasion of English.
-Mention some of the advantages of speaking a foreign language.
-Would you give up your own language for a world language?

2) Alcohol / Drugs / Addiction
- Discuss reasons why people drink alcohol/smoke/ take drugs.
-Talk about the dangers and risks
- How do drugs affect a person’s life?

3) The British Press:
What kind of newspapers are there in Britain? Make groupings and discuss the differences of the various types. Give examples for each group.

II. oral exams: answer both questions:´

1) The Pearl
• Describe the main characters. How do they change in the novel?
• Time /place
• Main theme: Greed

2) Partnership- discuss the following questions
• What do you share with a partner?
• Are arguments important in a relationship?
• Do children change a relationship?
• Is marriage important for you?
• Does being single mean having more fun?


1)The Wave
• Discuss the main characters and their relationships
• Time/place
• Main theme: Pressure

* Discuss the difference work / leisure
* What is the difference between leisure and freetime
* When does leisure turn into stress?

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