kleine Zulassungspruefungen

Friday, 17. February 2006


Kleine Zulassungsprüfung Englisch -- Polgarstrasse, Juni 2005

Schriftlich zur Wahl: choose 1) or 2)

1) Obesity among children/teenagers

a)Tony is an obese child and is staying at a camp for overweight
children for 7 weeks.After his first week he writes down his
thoughts and feelings in his diary.Write down his emotions and
thoughts, how he feels in this camp, what he does there,other
children at camp, how he became so fat,….

b)Create an advertisement for such a camp for obese children.
Imagine you are the head of this camp and you have to draft a
folder to promote your camp.


Write an argumentative essay.
a) Do popstars influence teenagers? Think about positive and
negative things that young people could be influenced by.

b) Write a diary entry of a popstar
What is your life like? How do you feel about being famous?
Positive and negative things in your life,….

Or :
Write a diary entry of an enthusiastic fan
What is your life like?
Say what you admire about your favourite popstar,…..
Feelings, emotions,….

Mündliche Prüfung: answer both questions

1.Animal Farm

• Summarize the most important events

• Which animals are there on the farm? Characterize them and
explain what/ who they stand for. Which parallels can you draw
to the Russian Revolution?

2.Books and films

Talk about
• Differences between books and films
• Advantages /Disadvantages of reading books/ watching films
• Have you ever read a book and then watched the film or vice
versa. If yes, give an example and talk about the differences.
What did you prefer? Why ?

Thursday, 9. February 2006


Kleine Zulassungsprüfung Jänner 2006 Henriettenplatz

I. Written exam: 200 words

Choose one of the following topics:

1) English as a world language
-Why is English becoming (has already become) a world language?
Is it because it is easy to learn? Or is it for historical or economic reasons?  Talk
about the reasons that encourage the invasion of English.
-Mention some of the advantages of speaking a foreign language.
-Would you give up your own language for a world language?

2) Alcohol / Drugs / Addiction
- Discuss reasons why people drink alcohol/smoke/ take drugs.
-Talk about the dangers and risks
- How do drugs affect a person’s life?

3) The British Press:
What kind of newspapers are there in Britain? Make groupings and discuss the differences of the various types. Give examples for each group.

II. oral exams: answer both questions:´

1) The Pearl
• Describe the main characters. How do they change in the novel?
• Time /place
• Main theme: Greed

2) Partnership- discuss the following questions
• What do you share with a partner?
• Are arguments important in a relationship?
• Do children change a relationship?
• Is marriage important for you?
• Does being single mean having more fun?


1)The Wave
• Discuss the main characters and their relationships
• Time/place
• Main theme: Pressure

* Discuss the difference work / leisure
* What is the difference between leisure and freetime
* When does leisure turn into stress?


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