Tuesday, 13. June 2006


Yes. Some of you might know it.
Also Zonk (alias mikey) is leaving us and joining up with SBP.
(Those ******* rats *argh*).
I don't think that's neither fair nor cool,
but he "smsed" that he wishes us nice holidays...

So FH came up with the idea that - if we are all breaking up and anything - he would like to end this year with some kind of a meeting.
(You know, go out or anything).
I think that's quiet a good idea, so we wanted to check up with the rest of you. I acutally don't know who's reading this but - in my opinion - teachers are also welcome :)

I'll spread this also in school but I - again - have no idea who's coming for german and english class tomorrow. FH and I will, see you :)


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artep - 14. Jun, 16:17

I'm sorry to hear that not only Irene, but also Michael is leaving us
So, if you read this Michael, I wish you good luck for your future plans in the SBP. But I think it's really a pity that you stop this course now.

To TheTHird: Thank you for your comment that teachers are also welcome to your meeting ( if you manage to arrange somehting).

By the way, if you feel bored during the holidays and you need some extra writing tasks or grammar activities, just tell me and I'll put something into the blog.

Now I wish you all a nice holiday and I'm looking forward to see (hopefully most of you) you in September.
Enjoy the summer and have a nice time,
so long, Petra

Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22

I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time...
We see us next year.


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I, also, wish you all...
I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time... We...
Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22
I'm sorry to hear that...
I'm sorry to hear that not only Irene, but also Michael...
artep - 14. Jun, 16:17
Yes. Some of you might know it. Also Zonk (alias mikey)...
DerDritte - 13. Jun, 23:44
Sorry about that. But...
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