Monday, 20. March 2006

Flue alarm!

Hey there!
I am at home because i have a very bad flue!i hope i will be fit on wednesday(music exame)!
would be great if someone would collect all working sheets for me!!(livia.markus or flo)
ok i have to go to bed!!!
CU mikey :-(

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DerDritte - 20. Mar, 13:22

Mau -_-°

Sorry, Mission is impossible :)
I'm also at home, under a hill of Art sheets und books.
Whatever, wish me luck, I'm going in :)

flo, if you read this, zonk also speaks for me :)
(Related to the sheets)...


artep - 21. Mar, 18:47

Sorry to disappoint both of you (regarding the worksheets). Neither Livia nor flo were here today but Irene and I had a private "tête à tête". We went through the "Correct your mistakes" HO together and Irene summarized a newspaper article relating to our current topic (It's time to mind the language gap)
But you'll get the sheets on Thursday or next week. I promise.

Irene also told me that she already feels a bit nervous, but it seems as if nothing more gets into her head (concerning the exams)
Michael, I hope your flu alarm is already over and you feel much better by now. I wish you all the best for tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope to hear some good news from you.
Good luck.

Markus, you've got one more day to be busy. I hope you can create an excellent work of art during your exam on Thursday. Maybe you'll get famous one day.
Wish you good luck and hope to receive some good news as well.

See you, Petra

DerDritte - 26. Mar, 20:49

So I do...

I hope I don't spoil anything if I say half the class is through :)
Saida, Kristine, Lukas and Sandra (3rd) and I personally.
Maybe we can discuss that on Tuesday...

And concerning my career as a painter: I woundn't put any trust in it.
XD But my work for the exam was okay (so I think).
Yes, we'll talk about it :)



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