Friday, 20. January 2006

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DerDritte - 31. Jan, 23:44

No Title

Hello :)

I see, here we go again with a new weblog.
If not clear - how should it be.
I'm markus from (outaspace ^^) english class.
Didn't find the time do check all your links,
but will, maybe tomorrow, sometimes, äh yes...

Also startet my own little blog (because it's free).
I'm trying to do some english exercise on it.
But well. Let's see...

First comments/critcs:
Background colour is kind of "hard" to the grey and white...,
Colums named "Free Text" are not that beautiful,
No links in "Links",
would love more text from you :)

thethird - markus

artep - 2. Feb, 08:14

thanks for your first comment. I'm not happy with the colour either, but I haven't had the time to change it yet. I'll do my best in the semester holidays and try to create a really coool weblog. I haven't even bothered about the free text section but as I said, I will pimp up my weblog next week.
See you , Petra
FH - 15. Feb, 18:05

I'm here

After a hard fight with my computer! I'm here.

DerDritte - 15. Feb, 22:53

Thank God!

He finally made it :)
Welcome old nerd ;O)
And you were quite creativ "FH",
I'll name myself "Military Police" next time :)
Just shooting around a bit!
Get together commenters!
artep - 16. Feb, 08:09


HI and welcome to the course!
I hope you'll make lots of comments, experiments,....
zonk - 16. Feb, 13:19

HEY There!

So once again I`m at work and hope that i will not get any problems with my chief because of using the internet not for the company!:-)
By the way talking about internet, told you today at school that working conditions are much better because of using e-mails etc. but now I have got a client from japan and he isn`t able to speak or write in english!!GGRRRR!
okay cu soon !!!

artep - 17. Feb, 09:59


Poor you, so you might have to learn some basics in Japanese. I think sayonara means hello or somehting like that. Or is that Chinese?
Anyway, I've changed your status from subscriber to content manager, which means you can create, manage and delete your own stories images and files, but also stories from others.
Have a nice weekend. I hope you don'T work too hard!!
DerDritte - 17. Feb, 14:23


Thanks artep,
I feel the power ^^

Michi, you've got "Luft" for Bio-homework.
You should be done by wednesday...
Should include:
- Chemische Zusammensetzung (Saubere und verschmutze Luft)
- Was genau sind Schadstoffe?
- Welche sind die häufigsten (mit Statistik am besten).
Should be around 2-4 pages I think.
Any further questions, please mail Christian :)

nice weekend everybody :O)


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