Friday, 10. March 2006

lessonplan 9.3.2006

There were only 3 of you in the course on thursday. It seems as if most of you got lost in the snow.
However, that's what we did.

1) VARIETIES OF ENGLISH formal /informal lang, written/ spoken lang
different varieties of ENglish

2) British vs American English
--> talk about differences between AE and BE
( differences in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, vocab,..)
and talk about own preferences

-->Read the text : The Fight for English together,
• Why has English become so powerful ?
• Why is BE considered to be superior?
• Why does AE become more and more popular?
• What is your personal attitude towards AE and BE?

-->Matching exercise:
Match the British English word with the equivalent American English word


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Me too, I hope I will get out to buy Bartimaeus Trilogy's...
DerDritte - 16. Apr, 11:17
I, also, wish you all...
I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time... We...
Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22
I'm sorry to hear that...
I'm sorry to hear that not only Irene, but also Michael...
artep - 14. Jun, 16:17
Yes. Some of you might know it. Also Zonk (alias mikey)...
DerDritte - 13. Jun, 23:44
Sorry about that. But...
Sorry about that. But school today was no problem. We...
DerDritte - 1. Jun, 18:40





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