Wednesday, 8. March 2006

The Mousetrap

I spent a nice and thrilling evening yesterday at the International Theatre. I watched The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie with a friend of mine, and it was really an excellent performance.
If you have time and are interested in thrillers and murder mysteries, why not go there and enjoy a nice evening as well.
It is also easy to understand.
here's the link to the International Theatre.
THe mousetrap is on until April 8th

Lesson plans 28.2. bis 7.3.2006

1) Revision of Linking words

2)Revision : comparison of adjectives.
different exercises

3) New topic: Gender roles - men- women - equality
a) Vocabulary HO --> Vokabel test am 16.3.2006

b) Discussion:
+What are some of the qualities that women are traditionally expected to have?
+Talk about some typically female/male professions.
+What has changed for women in our society?
+How have men been affected by these changes?

reading: HO Women’s rights (Source Eleven +1)
--> gives some background info about the history, emancipation movement, changes,....

c) Listening comprehension: aus Ideas and Issues intermediate
Listen to the tape and answer comprehension questions

Talk about similar experiences in your families (brothers, sisters,)?

d) Women at work:
+ Reasons why more women are on the labour market today
+ Can family and job be combined?
+ Difficulties women have to face in the world of work

2 texts: Home Alone
Women at work

read and summarize

Homework: Fathers and househusbands
-> read the text and answer the questions

4) Vocabulary exercise:: Confusing words


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Me too, I hope I will get out to buy Bartimaeus Trilogy's...
DerDritte - 16. Apr, 11:17
I, also, wish you all...
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