Tuesday, 13. June 2006


Yes. Some of you might know it.
Also Zonk (alias mikey) is leaving us and joining up with SBP.
(Those ******* rats *argh*).
I don't think that's neither fair nor cool,
but he "smsed" that he wishes us nice holidays...

So FH came up with the idea that - if we are all breaking up and anything - he would like to end this year with some kind of a meeting.
(You know, go out or anything).
I think that's quiet a good idea, so we wanted to check up with the rest of you. I acutally don't know who's reading this but - in my opinion - teachers are also welcome :)

I'll spread this also in school but I - again - have no idea who's coming for german and english class tomorrow. FH and I will, see you :)


Thursday, 1. June 2006

book recommendation

Maybe I can raise your interest in this book: The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime by Mark Haddon. It's a brilliang book about an autistic boy, Christopher Boone, written from his point of view.
Here's the link to the amazon page, where you can also read some reviews.


I have to apologize for not showing up this morning. But I really feel awul. Whenever I stand up I feel awfully dizzy and my knees are wobbly. I wouldn't have managed to get out and teach you anything.
I wish you a nice long weekend and hope we see each other next Thursday.
I will also put some links to exercises on prepositions into the blog. Maybe you are interested.

new member!!!

Dear Kathrinchen,
Welcome to our blog!!!It was really nice to read from you.
As DerDritte (i.e. Marcus) has already mentioned, using the weblog is really easy, and I'm sure if you kindly ask him, he will show you different things you need to know.
But the best way is to practise - you browse through the different sections, click everywhere and simply try out ( you can get links to books, grammar exercises, photos, ....and when you are registered you can also create your own stories)
You can hardly do any damage to it.

Wednesday, 10. May 2006


Hallo Artep!


if you go to the links given below, you find various exercises concerning the use of articles
Just try out some and see what your score is!

1. theory of when to use definite/indefinite or zero article + exercises for various levels

2. definite or zero article

3. lots of exercises for articles

Friday, 5. May 2006


I hope somebody reads my entry.
Next week I'd like to do a bit of grammar revision (Which means a bit of everything we covered last year and this year) So, maybe you could have a look at the most important grammar chapters like tenses, adverbs, gerund, comparison, reported speech, conditionals,.........)
I hope I don't spoil your weekend.

See you on Tuesday

Friday, 21. April 2006

Dead poets society

Unfortunately I did not really find many links or notes to the novel, most of the links or comments on the net refer to the film, the actors, or the music,....
here are at least some links to essays, notes,...

plot summary, character list, vocabulary explanations, quotations, study questions

essay about Mr Keating’s teaching methods

filmscript ( for those whose book has not arrived in time)

plot summary of the film

essay on romanticism vs. realism

essay on the quotation: "It was Mr Keating's blatant abuse of position as teacher that lead directly to Neil's death"


However, make up your own mind and don't be tempted to plagiarism!!!!

Tuesday, 21. March 2006

good luck

To whom it may concern!!!

I wish you all the best for your art or music exams ( or in your case, Irene, for both.

Good luck

Monday, 20. March 2006

Flue alarm!

Hey there!
I am at home because i have a very bad flue!i hope i will be fit on wednesday(music exame)!
would be great if someone would collect all working sheets for me!!(livia.markus or flo)
ok i have to go to bed!!!
CU mikey :-(

Friday, 10. March 2006

lessonplan 9.3.2006

There were only 3 of you in the course on thursday. It seems as if most of you got lost in the snow.
However, that's what we did.

1) VARIETIES OF ENGLISH formal /informal lang, written/ spoken lang
different varieties of ENglish

2) British vs American English
--> talk about differences between AE and BE
( differences in grammar, spelling, pronunciation, vocab,..)
and talk about own preferences

-->Read the text : The Fight for English together,
• Why has English become so powerful ?
• Why is BE considered to be superior?
• Why does AE become more and more popular?
• What is your personal attitude towards AE and BE?

-->Matching exercise:
Match the British English word with the equivalent American English word


english scrapbook

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Me too, I hope I will get out to buy Bartimaeus Trilogy's...
DerDritte - 16. Apr, 11:17
I, also, wish you all...
I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time... We...
Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22
I'm sorry to hear that...
I'm sorry to hear that not only Irene, but also Michael...
artep - 14. Jun, 16:17
Yes. Some of you might know it. Also Zonk (alias mikey)...
DerDritte - 13. Jun, 23:44
Sorry about that. But...
Sorry about that. But school today was no problem. We...
DerDritte - 1. Jun, 18:40





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