
Thursday, 1. June 2006

book recommendation

Maybe I can raise your interest in this book: The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime by Mark Haddon. It's a brilliang book about an autistic boy, Christopher Boone, written from his point of view.
Here's the link to the amazon page, where you can also read some reviews.

Friday, 21. April 2006

Dead poets society

Unfortunately I did not really find many links or notes to the novel, most of the links or comments on the net refer to the film, the actors, or the music,....
here are at least some links to essays, notes,...

plot summary, character list, vocabulary explanations, quotations, study questions

essay about Mr Keating’s teaching methods

filmscript ( for those whose book has not arrived in time)

plot summary of the film

essay on romanticism vs. realism

essay on the quotation: "It was Mr Keating's blatant abuse of position as teacher that lead directly to Neil's death"


However, make up your own mind and don't be tempted to plagiarism!!!!

Friday, 20. January 2006

animal farm

selected material on the author and his times
wikipedia on george orwell
online-literature on george orwell

novel guides to animal farm (interpretation, characters, summaries,...)
novelguide on animal farm
sparknotes on animal farm
gradesaver on animal farm

have a look and gain some in-depth knowledge on Animal farm
Even if you haven't read it you get good and detailed summaries, character descriptions, discussion of themes,....
--> might be useful for your exam!!!!!

opinion poll

animal farm
Who is your favourite character on the farm? Vote now



artep, 15:23h.


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Me too, I hope I will get out to buy Bartimaeus Trilogy's...
DerDritte - 16. Apr, 11:17
I, also, wish you all...
I, also, wish you all a nice summer, enjoy the time... We...
Kathrinchen - 14. Jun, 22:22
I'm sorry to hear that...
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artep - 14. Jun, 16:17
Yes. Some of you might know it. Also Zonk (alias mikey)...
DerDritte - 13. Jun, 23:44
Sorry about that. But...
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DerDritte - 1. Jun, 18:40





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